CUSTOM VID You're incredibly sexy and I'd love for you to do a custom video please img src=httpsd3e1078hs60k37cloudfrontnetsite_filesimagesmanymotes-v2emojLayer1svg class=manymote data-manymote=) alt=) since you have both excellent taste in jeans and an incredible figure to show them off, that will be the theme img src=httpsd3e1078hs60k37cloudfrontnetsite_filesimagesmanymotes-v2emojLayer1svg class=manymote data-manymote=) alt=) I'd love to see you wearing a few different pairs of jeans and tight t-shirts in a pooltubshower depending on what you have The idea is to get the jeans and t-shirts completely soaked so they are even tighter and more clingy The jeans from Jeans or Leather and Jeans Jerk Off please would be perfect For the t-shirts, ideally cropped but tied up at the front works too, just tight and no bra please Not tank tops, actual t-shirts please img src=httpsd3e1078hs60k37cloudfrontnetsite_filesimagesmanymotes-v2emojLayer1svg class=manymote data-manymote=) alt=) You'll be amazing, very excited Online or download porn video from file host - whores_are_us ManyVids whores_are_us Wet Tight Clingy Jeans - Jeans Fetish, ManyVids, Wet Messy, Jeans/Pants Wetting, Wet T-Shirt